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How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

Teeth that have been broken or “chipped” can have a significant aesthetic effect on your smile. In fact, even a small chip can be quite noticeable. Although the teeth are naturally strong and durable, they are certainly not impervious to harm. A traumatic injury or using the teeth to pry open a package/bottle are the most common ways to chip a tooth. Fortunately, individuals who experience this condition have several options that can effectively address a chipped tooth and restore its appearance. 

Some of the most popular treatments for chipped teeth include:

Porcelain Veneers 
Porcelain veneers are typically the most ideal options for teeth affected by chips and other aesthetic dental imperfections. A veneer is delicately and precisely designed to mimic the appearance of the natural tooth. This restoration covers the front surface of the affected tooth and “hides” the chip by recreating the tooth’s original shape and contour. Porcelain veneers are often the best treatment for chipped teeth because of their ability to produce natural-looking outcomes and results that can last for decades. 

Cosmetic Dental Bonding 
Another effective way to fix a chipped tooth is a treatment known as cosmetic dental bonding. This option utilizes special dental materials and techniques to rebuild the affected tooth and eliminate signs of the chip. Our dentist will carefully apply a tooth-colored resin to the tooth and shape it to restore its original appearance. Compared to porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding does not produce results that last quite as long; however, the treatment can yield outcomes that last for several years with the proper care. 

Dental Crown 
If a chip is particularly severe, a dental crown may be recommended. Crowns are typically necessary when the damage is so significant that the health of the tooth is at risk. This restorative option is custom-designed to produce the most natural look, fit, and feel possible. Unlike porcelain veneers, dental crowns cover the entire tooth rather than just the front portion, which can ultimately prevent the tooth from additional deterioration. Our practice offers advanced CEREC® dental crowns, which can be designed, produced, and placed in a single appointment. 

To learn more about our cosmetic and restorative dentistry options, please contact Scottsdale Smile Center.